The State of Architectural Identity in Central Chile


  • Sofía Letelier Parga Universidad de Chile
  • Ana María Rugiero Pérez Universidad de Chile


Through a three-year project supported by FONDECYT, the phenomenon of architectural identity was studied in central Chile. The research was carried out from a semiotic point of view and as a social phenomenon, which goes beyond -and does not entail exclusively- the qualities of a specific architectonical production. Identify is expressed in the degree of communication which the architecture is able to stablish with the layman. Such communication may be regarded as a nonverbal language and thus it can be submitted to a semiotic analysis to verify its semiotic behavior as a social product.

Author Biographies

Sofía Letelier Parga, Universidad de Chile

Arquitecta. Académica del Departamento de Diseño Arquitectónico FAU UCH

Ana María Rugiero Pérez, Universidad de Chile

Arquitecta. Académica del Instituto de la Vivienda, FAU - UCH