A study of the psychological effects of social networking can be used to develop strategies to promote mental health. In the present study, we evaluated the effects of sociodemographic variables, optimism, life satisfaction, affect, and the frequency of use of social networking websites (SRS). This study involved 257 Brazilian adults, 69 % of whom were females, with a mean age of 36 years (SD = 15.32). Positive and Negative Affects Scale (PANAS), Life Satisfaction Scale (EVS) and Life Orientation Test (TOV-R) were utilized. In the three measures, ages of participants were the most significant factor, followed by their time spent using social media (in terms of satisfaction with life and negative affect). Participants who reported using SRS for five hours or more a day were less satisfied with their lives and suffered from higher levels of negative affect. Elderly people show higher levels of optimism and satisfaction with life, as well as lower levels of negative affect. According to the analysis, using social networking sites frequently can negatively influence the subjective well-being of the population, whereas an increase in age contributed positively to the positive mental health of the participants.
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