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Evolution, two views from the semantics of citizenship


  • Minda Bustamante Soldevilla Universidad Católica Santa María de Arequipa
  • Karen Rosenfeld Ytier Universidad de Chile


The notion of evolution has been approached from different perspectives. From the Theory of Social Systems, raised by Luhmann, we propose that this occurs in social systems, from a three selection process. Using this perspective, one can understand any change that later may be assigned a goal or the idea of improvement and advancement. This article will show through the evolving concept of citizenship as modern society has evolved leaving traits ascribed to organize and define other forms of inclusion in the various subsystems. We will discuss here how through the application of the concept of social system evolution can understand how that has come to include the semantics of citizenship traditionally excluded such as women and members of indigenous peoples. That is, re-stabilization of the inclusive concept of citizenship in the context of a functionally differentiated society.


Citizenship, evolution, indigenous citizenship, citizenship women, inclusion/exclusion

Author Biographies

Minda Bustamante Soldevilla, Universidad Católica Santa María de Arequipa

Abogada, Universidad Católica Santa María de Arequipa, Perú


Karen Rosenfeld Ytier, Universidad de Chile

Socióloga, Universidad de Chile