Structuration of public space between politics and festivity: the case of plaza Italia in Santiago, Chile



This article aims to approach the phenomenon of plaza Dignidad in Santiago de Chile, as a public space of great social and symbolic relevance, of metropolitan scale and national extent, especially as from the context of social protest, since October 2019. This work analyzes the factors for the conformation, during the twentieth century, of Plaza Italia, as a monumental complex for meeting, recreation, and demonstration, but also the dimensions of public space and flow, as morphological and urban elements that account for the historical structuring of this emblematic place. Plaza Italia, plaza Baquedano and plaza Dignidad: three denominations and different representations that coexist but confront each other in the urban space, as the scenario of processes of enunciation, political and festive expression.


Festive expression, Plaza Italia, public space, social representations, urban history