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Acta Bioethica

SciELO Chile

General conditions of medicine students, class 2010, during their pre-degree rotatory internship of Medical School, National Polytechnic Institute


  • Ricardo Fuentes Unzueta Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Carolina Manrique Nava Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Octaviano Domínguez Márquez Instituto Politécnico Nacional


In the School of Medicine of the National Polytechnic Institute, internship takes place before social service and consists of a training year inside the Hospital, in which trainees see patients under direct supervision of physicians. A descriptive study was carried out of student’s class 2010, to whom a survey was applied by the end of their internship in 2010. 57% of students were women; for 71%, lunch time was not respected by authorities; for 60%, schedules of classes were not respected by professors; 25% students were harassed; 35% students were object of violence and maltreatment; and 35% students were victim of discrimination. 61% students realized that Hospital staff consumes alcohol or drugs inside the Hospital in service hours. For 58% students, School authorities did not monitor their stay and 15% students were victim of sexual harassment by physicians, residents and nurse staff. It is important to point out that this is an initial study unique in its type. More studies will be carried out in the following generations to find out incidence patterns or significant prevalence, in order to denounce them and to avoid their future repetition.


Pre-dregree rotatory internship, pre-degree, internship, medicine students, medical bioethics, medical ethics, quality training