Discriminación y reconciliación comunidad Judeo-Argentina y su relación con el Régimen Militar Argentino (1976-1989)


  • Valeria Navarro Licenciada en Historia (PUC) Magíster en Estudios Internacionales (USACH)


During the complex time of the “National Reconstruction Process” in Argentina (1976-1983) to be a Jew and to live in the community context became a challenge, which in many cases meant a risk for those who combined both political militancy and Judaism. In the following pages we’ll show the different types of discrimination that such Jews lived during the last Argentinean military regime of the 20th century, both from the government and from inside the Jewish community. This had an enormous impact in the Jewish Community, especially due to the large dimension of those killed or tortured for being Jews. Finally, we’ll explain some of the mechanism used to build the historic reconstruction of memory inside the Jewish community to deal the subject of Jewish disappeared prisoners.


Jews – Argentina – Military Government – Discrimination – Historic Memory Reconstruction.