This paper consists of the analysis of a case study. Its objective is to propose and present a methodological device for group intervention with children. The research was undertaken in COSAM, Región Metropolitana, Santiago, Chile. This device seeks to expound the problems of what appears to be for us the center of therapeutic work with children: the suffering of the child; a response to the shortcomings, which were detected within the institution and its relation to the current approach of group work in childhood. In that sense, a method based on the proposals of Uruguayan Association of Psychology and Psychopathology of Expression (A.U.P.P.E), was implemented for the group work. Twenty five sessions were conducted, presenting a methodology of the free creation of paintings as a form of expression by the group members. By analyzing the paintings of one of the members, seeks to account of the individual and group process. A special emphasis of the study is put on the communicative and therapeutical effects of the pictorial creation in a safe space that provides the posibility of a free production.
Cendoya Aburto, D., & Yáñez Castillo, I. (2010). Painting as a form of expression in a children group device: Case analysis of an experience made in a context of public health. Revista De Psicología, 19(1), Pág. 35–60.