Some observations on the thesis of the father downfall and the notion of the law in psychoanalysis


  • Esteban Radiszcz S. Psicoanalista, Doctor en Psicopatología y Psicoanálisis (Universidad de París 7). Académico de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Santiago


With the advent of the end of the century a particular diagnostic has been insistently argued by some psychoanalytic groups, which denounce a larger transformation of the western society caused by an unprecedented downfall in culture of the Name of the Father. However, this thesis does not seem to be free of difficulties, and some of its theoretical bases contradict themselves. From a discussion of some aspects of this thesis, the paper attempts to examine the paradoxical place that psychoanalysis ascribes to Law, and it also reflects on the risks implied in the current claims to the reinforcement of the Law in the contemporary society.    


Law, superego, father, enjoyment