Multiple Intelligences, Curriculum of the Home, Interests, Self-Esteems, Previous and Current Learning


  • Raúl Pizarro Sánchez Universidad de Playa Ancha


This research analyzed standardized weights of multiple intelligences (MI),
curriculum of the home (CoH), interests (Is), self-esteems (SE) and previous learning (PL) on current learning (CL). These static and dynamic relations are very informative for teachers´ educational initial formation since they exhibit our students´ development. Population considered 9th graders coming from scientific-humanistic, urban and coeducational public, subsidized, private schools, Quilpué, Valparaíso, Chile, 2004. This article corresponds to the 1rst. year (out of 4) of our National FONDECYT Project No. 1040251, Universidad de Playa Ancha de Ciencias de la Educación (UPLACED), 2003. A stratisfied ramdon sample implied 471 students who took Shearer´s MI scales, Pizarro´s questionnaire for CoH, Holland´s inventory for Is, Coopersmith´s inventory for SE, and objective tests and grade marks for PL and CL. Eleven computed significant multiple correlation coefficients sustained our alternative hyphotesis. They ranged from R=.4868 (F=28,583; SIG.=.000) to R=.1342 (F=5.754; SIG.=.017). Six out of 11
analyses considered MI, 4/11 considered 8th grade Castilian Language, 3/11 for
Curriculum of the Home, and 2/11 selected 8th grade Sciences and History. Thus, IM, CoH, Is, SE and PL factors maximally explained 24 % of CL variances. We expect these weights change as students progress to their 12th grade.