For sometime, a debate exists among psychoanalysts on the need to simplify metapsychology and provide psychoanalysis with an epistemological frame that could inscribe it within the hermeneutical sciences.Following the postulates of Ricoeur, this study intends to investigate how reformulations contributed by the hermeneutic perspective in metapsychology, should seriously transforma the specificity of psychoanalysis.Indeed, if for Ricoeur, psychoanalysis is understood as a project directed at the subject's self-understanding, there are aspects of Freudian theory that are insufficient to conceive a projection of the subject, beyond his regressive symbolic determinants. We would the have to impress a teleology to Freudian archaeology.A new examination of the place sexuality holds in Freudian metapsychology should help specify the meaning of interpretation, as well as the meaning the use psychoanalysis in clinical work.