Phenomenological Understanding of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Adolescents


  • Juliana Lima Araújo Universidad de Fortaleza
  • Anna Karynne Melo Universidad de Fortaleza
  • Virginia Moreira Universidad de Fortaleza


ADHD is one of the most investigated conditions at present, but a phenomenological study on this phenomenon is still new. We seek to understand the lives of adolescents with ADHD from the theoretical focus of Merleau-Ponty and Arthur Tatossian. Both prioritized direct contact with the living, transcending a separation between theory and practice to intend the Lebenswelt. We use the critical phenomenological method, by interviewing eight adolescents. This research looked at the modes of existence that are not restricted to the pathological, going beyond the symptoms to an understanding of assigned directions. We conclude that in hyperactivity the world is experienced as slower, leading the subjects to precipitate the actions, thoughts produce with little connection and a difficulty in maintaining attention and self-control, and presenting low self-esteem. Understanding ADHD and their living was important for adolescents in favor of change, leaving the disease’s approach to consider its potential.


attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity, adolescence, phenomenology