Children' and adolescents' psychiatric hospitalization is a commonly chosen approach to address acute decompensated symptomatology. Little relevance has been given to understanding the subjective experiences of these populations during hospitalization. This systematic literature review under PRISMA methodology aims to identify and analyze academic findings on children' and adolescents' subjective experience when hospitalized in psychiatric units. Empirical studies published worldwide between 2011 and 2022 (Scopus, PubMed and WoS), carried out with child and adolescent populations admitted to psychiatric units, with emphasis on their subjective experience, were reviewed. Papers with biomedical emphasis and assessments of specific therapeutic interventions were excluded. In 13 articles the following were analyzed: limitations and bias, main results, problematization of the justification and ethical considerations. After a content analysis, findings were organized into categories: overall perception of the hospitalization experience, design and interventions, interaction with staff, interaction with hospitalized peers, inside/outside the ward, coercion, coping skills, and self-perception. Convergences were observed in the participants' experience, and also an insufficient ethical and positioning problematization. Implications for practice and research with the aforementioned population are discussed.
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