The pedagogical practices deployed in rural contexts have faced multiple obstacles and challenges as a result of the pandemic, revealing the need for a potentially generative teaching task that contributes to the development of their students and the revaluation of local knowledge. Objective: to characterize the potentially generative knowledge, re-flections and criteria for pedagogical action that emerge from the vital trajectories of rural teachers, regarding the functioning of the school in the context of a pandemic. Method: a qualitative approach was adopted, through a descriptive, exploratory and cross-sectional design. The intentional sample was made up of 12 educators with 33 years of work experience in rural schools present in the Metropolitana, La Araucanía and Los Ríos regions (Chile). For data collection, in-depth interviews were used from the narrative-generative perspective. Subsequently, the stories were subjected to content analysis, following the logic of the Grounded Theory. Results: the participants contribute a set of knowledge, reflections and pedagogical practices “in a generative key” aimed at promoting practical knowledge, strengthening the rural with historical-cultural relevance, as well as autonomy and critical reflection on the reforms schools implemented from the central level.
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