The use of smartphones, an important resource for communication and work, has increased substantially in recent years. However, excessive use may be associated with an increase in depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms, and even the fear of not being connected (nomophobia) may also be increasing. The objective was to investigate smartphone use, nomophobia, depression, stress, and anxiety symptoms through a quantitative survey. A total of 157 internet users over 18 years old residing in Brazil participated. The Nomophobia Questionnaire – Brazilian Version (NMP-Q), the Depression Symptoms Intensity Survey (LIS-D), the Stress Symptoms Intensity Survey (LIS-E), the Anxiety Symptoms Intensity Survey (LIS-A), and a Sociodemographic Questionnaire were used. The results indicated that there were statistically significant differences between symptoms and sociodemographic variables (gender, marital status, education level, employment status, and family income), but not in nomophobia. There was a moderate correlation between the declared amount of time and symptoms of anxiety, stress, and depression, but not nomophobia.
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