Post-politics and Managerialism: the emergence of a new public arena


  • Edgar Varela Barrios Universidad del Valle
  • Carlos Tello Castrillón Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Palmira


Management has invaded the political sphere in our postmodern times and is not limited to being a dominant form of management in companies and businesses. Management is configured as a system of practices whose expansive ideology does not recognize its political character. This system is neither deliberative nor democratic and instead prioritizes hierarchies and property and management rights. The current hegemony of Management invades the social and organizational life of the people, the sphere of politics and the same intimate life. In this context, post-politics has emerged as a phenomenon that highlights antagonisms and exclusions and is characterized by its rejection of consensus and contractual agreements between spheres of society. In this scenario, government power reinforces its power with unprecedented consensus or majority technologies via fake news or post-truth.


Managerialism, post politics, political arena, public policies, networks


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