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Recognition and Economy of Esteem: The Basal Normativity of Semantic Artifacts


  • Gonzalo Bustamante Kuschel Universidad Adolfo Ibañez


In the structuring of the social moral grammar, Recognition [Anerkennung] plays a key role both as a subject's perception of the dignity of each psychic system, as well as of others as subjects worthy of decent treatment. Brennan and Pettit have rescued the value of the Economy of Esteem. It highlights that the subject's wishful structure involves not only the want of material goods and social power but also to seek esteem. That it is, economy would not only maximize the utility of goods or reputation through, for example, material goods and positional goods but also the competition by esteem. Persons, as semantic artifacts, compete and establish mechanisms for the distribution of esteem. Its possession or not, involve degrees of social inclusion or exclusion from a communicational perspective. Equal access to compete for it, would be a fundamental right. The present paper explores how far this entry to compete in equal conditions by Esteem is not conditioned by Recognition, which as Pettit and Brennan address, it is different from esteem. In that sense, it is possible to consider Recognition as the normative basal grammar and would constitute a conditioning element for fair democratic competition by esteem.


Recognition, Esteem, Semantic Artifacts, Normativity, Inclusion/Exclusion

Author Biography

Gonzalo Bustamante Kuschel, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez

Gonzalo Bustamante Kuschel es actualmente Profesor de Filosofía Política y Ética Aplicada en la Escuela de Gobierno de la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (Chile). Doctor en Culture of Economics por la Universidad Erasmus de Rotterdam (Holanda).