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Education and Protest Movements: Self-Descriptions from the State about the Notions of Freedom in Contemporary Chile


  • Felipe Rivera Universidad de Concepción
  • Jorge Cárcamo Universidad de Chile
  • Carlos Carrasco Universidad de Concepción
  • José Miguel Hoyos Universidad de Concepción
  • Dusan Cotorás Universidad Diego Portales


The following article aims to elaborate a detailed approach, from the conceptual resources provided by the Theory of Autopoietic Social Systems developed by Niklas Luhmann, about the semantic drift that has highlighted the notion of freedom, based on the major reforms that occur from the public apparatus in relation with the educational field. From the above, we have selected four historical periods that represents particular importance for the development of the analysis, as they contribute to observe the most significant changes in the regulatory frameworks that fit the idea of freedom mentioned above. Likewise, we emphasize the effervescence of the protest movements linked to student demands, while they allow us to contemplate detours and irritations that tends to interpellate the state scaffolding. According to these premises, we will denote the mechanisms with which the State has processed such social demands, considering for this, their self-descriptions of his role, the regulations that has raised and the theming of the relevant aspects in the discourse of protest movements.


Semantic/Social Structure, Education, State, Protest Movements, Negative Freedom

Author Biographies

Felipe Rivera, Universidad de Concepción

Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Desarrollo, Universidad de Concepción, Chile

Jorge Cárcamo, Universidad de Chile

Estudiante de Magíster en Análisis Sistémico Aplicado a la Sociedad, Universidad de Chile

Carlos Carrasco, Universidad de Concepción

Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Concepción, Chile

José Miguel Hoyos, Universidad de Concepción

Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Concepción, Chile

Dusan Cotorás, Universidad Diego Portales

Facultad de Ciencias Sociales e Historia, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile