

Revista de Arquitectura accepted for inclusion in SciELO Chile collection



Convocatoria de Revista de Arquitectura N.°46.


Call for papers de Revista de Arquitectura N.°46

Architecture and Communication + Free Theme


Only discourse, and not the language, is addressed to someone. 

This is the basis of communication.

Paul Ricoeur

Del texto a la acción  

Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2000. p.175


The construction of architectural discourse can be considered currently a major topic, because our discipline is no exception to the problem of the general culture. The elaboration of different discourses is becoming increasingly important in the fields of international politics, the media, different social activist groups and also in the academic world. In contrast to a recent past of relative ideological asepsis, today there is a renewed need for architectural production to be accompanied by an expression of thoughts, ideas and concepts that frame the comprehension of the works in a broad context. In this way, rhetoric, the theory of argumentation, dialectics and in general all that we understand as "informal logic" seems to establish a renewed relationship between the architecture and the word.

The word and the image are not simple subsequent illustrations,
but are those that allow for the whole existence of what they represent.


Hans-Georg Gadamer 

Verdad y Método

Salamanca: Sígueme, 2007. p.192


The architectural image, however, maintains its importance in the communication of projects and in the display of works of architecture. But we are also witnessing certain transformations in this field. For example, the fascination with photo-realism or virtual reality has diminished as information and communication technologies have evolved from being a simple auxiliary tool for architectural projects to clearly showing their capacity to participate directly in the real, concrete and material fabrication of our built environment. With this, the image recovers a communicative function no longer aimed at visual perception, but at human intellection. A new universe of images is thus unfolded, at the same time as we are witnessing a joint participation of the image and the word in architectural discourse.


Issue 46 of Revista de Arquitectura calls for reflection on the way in which we elaborate architectural argumentation, on which architectural principles and foundations we consider actually necessary to communicate. We are asking to what extend the project itself, or the work itself, stands as an argument with which architecture participates in the global cultural phenomenon of the construction of discourses. In short, we invite the publication of articles on the current way in which is produced the communication of architecture.


Dr. Alejandro Ferraz-Leite Ludzik. Universidad de la República. Montevideo. Uruguay



Invitation to publish in two sections, composed of original articles reviewed by blind peer reviewers:

RESEARCH IN ARCHITECTURAL THEORY. Body of Articles. Range of 4000-6000 words

ARCHITECTURAL PROJECT RESEARCH. Planned and/or constructed works. Range of 3000-4000 words.


Deadline for receipt of articles:  January 15, 2024



Guidelines for authors: https://dearquitectura.uchile.cl/index.php/RA/about/submissions