

Revista de Arquitectura accepted for inclusion in SciELO Chile collection



Call for papers Revista de Arquitectura N.º 47.


Call for papers Revista de Arquitectura N.º 47. 


Ways of looking at architectural sustainability + FREE THEME


In the latest meeting of our Editorial Committee, a reflection arose on new or different ways of understanding sustainability in architecture, and in what way today project strategies and studies find approaches that can contribute to a more rational use of resources, mitigate impacts on the built environment, and reduce the externalities of our production.


The various aspects of sustainability involved in architectural design have become an important focus of debate and academic and professional production in recent decades. In the realm of research, aspects such as passive design, energy efficiency, and life cycle analysis of materials have been extensively studied. However, there is still a need to explore deeper into the discussion of what we understand as sustainable architecture, the role of certifications and building standards, and the public policies and regulations that either promote or delay the development of more sustainable buildings. In this context, the profession calls for greater awareness of the challenges involved in improving and shifting the construction industry towards design and project management models that comprehensively develop more sustainable architecture. The concept of ‘greenwashing’, for example, highlights the marketing associated with sustainability, which often promotes biased or limited architectural strategies as sustainable.


Considering this panorama, Revista de Arquitectura proposes some questions: What theoretical or practical approaches address sustainability in a complex and comprehensive manner in architecture? What architectural strategies contribute to sustainability and how are they evidenced? How can sustainable design strategies move beyond quantitative measures and contribute to the spatial and perceptual quality of their inhabitants? How can sustainable architecture contribute to social justice and the right to a healthy habitat? How is sustainable architecture linked to traditional or vernacular ways of conceiving habitable spaces?


We invite authors to reflect on and present research results that seek to advance other, more systemic ways of looking at sustainability in architecture.


Editorial Team + PhD Alejandra Cortés



Invitation to publish in two sections, composed of original articles reviewed by blind peer reviewers:


RESEARCH IN ARCHITECTURAL THEORY. Body of Articles. Range of 4000-6000 words


ARCHITECTURAL PROJECT RESEARCH. Planned and/or constructed works. Range of 3000-4000 words.


Deadline for receipt of articles:  September 10, 2024

Guidelines for authors: https://dearquitectura.uchile.cl/index.php/RA/about/submissions


Imagen: José Ignacio Vielma, 2017