
The perpendicular metaphor as a tool for communicating an architectural position



The perpendicular metaphor seeks to conceptualize a part of the physical reality in which we live —he world— expressing something that is otherwise unnameable and incommunicable. We aim to expand this legible reality and attempt to define something that was previously undefined but existed and continuesto exist. Philosopher José Ricardo Morales, in his theory of architecture, understands the architectural as the noun that encompasses all the actions that humans undertake to bring order to the world. This article presentes the perpendicular metaphor as a means to communicate a position that humans take before undertaking any organizing action —architectural—. To achieve this, the hermeneutic method of Hans-Georg Gadamer has been employed, interpreting a series of texts and investigations that illustrate and define the perpendicular. To arrive at this definition, eight fundamental architectural actions defined by José Ricardo Morales —establishing, framing, building, being raised, domesticating, mastering, inhabiting, and populating— have been interpreted and analyzed. Thus, we conclude that the perpendicular metaphor fills a gap in this architectural theory; architectural actions are preceded by a position, and in many of them, it is a perpendicular position.


Communication, tool, perpendicular metaphor, architectural position


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