Rural environments are currently appreciated for tourism, hence the importance of preserving their identity. This research considers the biological, environmental and social aspects that encourage harmony between the inhabitants of the homes and their environment, in addition to conserving traditional knowledge. The floristic wealth of Mexico offers a variety for the use of native plants in landscape design. A field study is carried out to observe the plants in the region and their growth, as well as surveys of residents to know their preferences regarding the plants of the community. Based on the results, through a plant palette, the species suitable for environments where water resources are a limiting factor (tropical deciduous forest) in the indigenous municipality of Xoxocotla are suggested. This methodology can be applied in various environments and latitudes. It is concluded that the people of the community of Xoxoxotla give symbolic value to the native vegetation due to its relationship with traditional knowledge, therefore the plant palette and the proposed project exercise will be easy to appropriate, use and apply.
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