Revista de Arquitectura is edited according to high ethical standards and best practices for article publication. This implies defining responsibilities for all parties involved in the editorial process. This includes, but is not limited to, disallowing defamation, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.
Revista de Arquitectura adheres to principles of ethics and good practices for the publication of its articles. Revista de Arquitectura adheres to the Code of Ethics of the Committee of Publication Ethics Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Misconduct and actions questionable from an ethical standpoint include the following:
Responsibilities of the Editorial Team
The editorial team is responsible for ensuring the application of publication standards and established ethical principles, as well as overseeing the evaluation process.
The editorial team will make every effort to ensure that the article and associated materials are original and do not infringe on the copyrights of third parties. The plagiarism detection tool Turnitin or an equivalent will be used to verify the manuscript against materials available in academic sources.
The editorial team will ensure that every article specifies the role of each co-author in its creation, using the guidelines of Credit Roles Taxonomy ( Each author must explicitly declare their consent and participation in the full consensus of the presented work, stating that the manuscript has not been previously presented or published by any of them in other dissemination channels.
The editorial team will oversee the functioning of the external peer review system and double-blind refereeing. All information about authors and peer reviewers, as well as sensitive data included in manuscripts and evaluation reports, must remain confidential during the editorial process. In this regard, all received material cannot be used by editors without the explicit consent of the authors and will be safeguarded from unauthorized access by third parties.
Similarly, members of the editorial team may not use, for their own benefit, or disseminate any information presented in the articles or in the comments made by peer reviewers.
The editorial team will review manuscripts and send them for peer review, regardless of the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, nationality, political ideology, or institutional affiliation of the authors.
Responsibilities of Authors
By submitting material to the Revista de Arquitectura, all authors agree to abide by the following ethical and publication guidelines. Authors must ensure that they submit fully original manuscripts, resulting from their own research, and that they are not under evaluation or publication processes in other journals or public media. In general terms, it is not acceptable for a submitted manuscript to be simultaneously considered for publication in more than one journal or other publication. Submitting the same material to multiple journals and/or publishing the same work in different journals is an unethical practice and will result in the rejection of the article or its removal from Revista de Arquitectura with the corresponding announcement.
Authors will ensure accuracy in presenting their own ideas in their articles, distinguishing them from cited ideas. Likewise, they must ensure that the text or materials they have used are correctly acknowledged, cited, and referenced. Plagiarism in any form is unethical behavior that will be sanctioned according to the procedures established here. This includes self-plagiarism, such as the undisclosed reference to one's own work, and attempting to publish previous academic work as original publications without adequate editing or expansion of background or results.
It is the responsibility of the author to obtain and disclose the necessary permissions for the use of images and photographs with intellectual property rights, with these authorizations being sent when necessary in the editorial process of the article.
All authors must declare their contribution in the submitted manuscripts using the Credit Roles Taxonomy guidelines ( In the case of articles with more than one author, all participants will commit to a significant contribution to the definition of the content and the explicit acknowledgment of those who have contributed to its final outcome. Information obtained through private means cannot be published without the consent of the corresponding person or institution. The corresponding author is responsible for including all co-authors and contributors and ensuring that they have reviewed and approved the final version of the document, consenting to its submission for publication.
Sources of funding that have enabled the development of research or projects presented in the articles, as well as any commitment that could influence the interpretation of conclusions and reflections, will be expressly stated by the authors, who will ensure the transparency and truthfulness of this information.
Responsibilities of Reviewers
The reviewers are academics and professionals specialized in various areas of the discipline, prioritizing a sense of diversity in terms of gender, origin, and institutional affiliation. Their names and ORCID identifiers are published on the journal's website and are updated every June, compiling all reviewers from the previous year.
The Reviewers Committee consists of academics and professionals specialized in different areas of the discipline, prioritizing diversity in terms of gender, background, and institutional affiliation. Their names and ORCID identifiers are published on the journal's website and will be updated according to new thematic needs, requests, and additions.
Peer reviewers are selected and assigned to review an article by the editorial team based on their expertise. However, a reviewer may decline to review an article if its content does not align with their area of specialization and recommend a more specialized reviewer. Considering the timeline of the editorial process, reviewers should inform the editor whether they accept or decline to review an article as soon as possible.
Any manuscript submitted for review should be considered a confidential document. This manuscript should not be discussed or shared with third parties. The information contained in unpublished articles may not be used in whole or in part by the reviewers.
Through their review, reviewers commit to ensuring the accuracy and quality of the information in the articles. Any relevant aspect, omission, or error will be reported in the review guideline. The same applies if the omission of relevant sources is detected or if the work involves total or partial plagiarism.
Critiques, comments, and recommendations should be made in the review guideline, in a respectful and neutral manner, and based on reasonable and well-documented arguments.
Responsibilities and Management of Conflicts of Interest
In the editorial process of Revista de Arquitectura, a possible conflict of interest is defined when a member of the editorial process - author, reviewer, or editorial team - has relationships with individuals or activities that may unduly influence their judgment or the submitted contents. Some examples of conflicts of interest include: relationships of consanguinity or affinity, close employment relationships involving supervision or subordination, relationships between teachers and students or between mentors and mentees, sharing close research topics, sources, or objects of investigation, funding sources for research, or commercial interests that may benefit or be harmed by the published content.
The Editorial Team of Revista de Arquitectura declares that it is always attentive to identifying conflicts of interest among its members, authors, and reviewers. The member of the Editorial Team who declares a conflict of interest regarding an article will abstain from participating in the editorial process parts that involve its evaluation, and will be replaced in their functions by another member.
For authors and reviewers, mechanisms for consulting on potential conflicts of interest are included, and the editorial team will maintain an active role in identifying their existence.
In case an undisclosed conflict of interest is detected through the provided instruments, Revista de Arquitectura reserves the right to reject the article in question, the evaluation conducted, or to apply the protocols established for unethical conduct that may lead to the withdrawal of the article and its public announcement.
Management of Unethical Conduct, Complaints, and Appeals
The editorial team will be vigilant at all stages of the process for detecting unethical conduct, its monitoring, investigation, and opportunity for appeal. When a third party identifies misconduct and/or unethical behavior, they are encouraged to report it to the editorial team via the email address
The informant of unethical conduct must provide verifiable information that allows for an investigation to be initiated. All reports will maintain their anonymity. These reports will be seriously considered by the Editorial Committee and will be treated similarly until a corresponding outcome or agreement is reached. Following the guidelines of COPE (Committee of Publication Ethics), the editorial team is responsible for:
Corrections and Discussions after Publication
Best Practices for Inclusion and Unbiased Handling of Human Groups
Revista de Arquitectura advocates for precise, unbiased, and intersectional research, which is sensitive to the complexity and breadth of the contexts encompassed by the journal. Therefore, authors are requested to use inclusive language free from biases associated with race, disability, gender, sexual orientation, beliefs, ideology, or socio-economic status. It is not acceptable to provide information about individuals that is irrelevant to the study, nor to ignore the differences and specific characteristics of subjects when they are relevant.
To avoid stereotypes, the use of labels that designate, stigmatize, or discriminate against groups of people is discouraged. It is particularly important to avoid negative connotations in expressions and condescending terminology when referring to individuals with disabilities. Regarding race, comparisons between groups, essentialisms, and references to "minorities" should be avoided.
Revista de Arquitectura recommends the use of non-sexist language in texts submitted for publication, suggesting formulations that highlight the role of women and non-binary individuals.
Data Sharing and Reproducibility
Revista de Arquitectura encourages authors to make available the data supporting the results published in their articles. Data that may compromise the privacy, security, and dignity of the individuals or institutions involved, or that cannot be made public for legal or ethical reasons, are excluded. Data that we promote for public availability include, for example, quantitative data and statistical analyses collected for research, qualitative data and analysis processes, self-generated images and figures, and anonymized interviews or those with informed consent for public availability, among others.
For the public availability of this data, we recommend the use of data repositories with long-term file preservation and the use of persistent identifiers. Some examples of data portals and storage environments include Zenodo,, or the Open Science Framework. In this regard, we encourage authors to direct from their document the location of processed or raw data, through a DOI or a persistent URL, in the final approved version of their paper, following peer review. Likewise, we encourage that such data be available under open licenses for reuse.
Although data sharing is not mandatory in our journal, we reserve the right to request confidential access to any primary data necessary to verify the results.
Authors will be required to properly cite any publicly available research data in their reference list.
The opinions and content of the published documents are the sole responsibility of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the point of views of the journal or its Editorial Team. Upon receipt of articles, editors and reviewers are free to suggest partial modifications to their content without affecting the author's argumentation. After the acceptance of articles for publication, Revista de Arquitectura is free to reproduce the contents for diffusion purposes, accordingly acknowledging the authors.
Use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the editorial process
Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence technology that can produce various types of content including text, imagery, audio and synthetic data. Examples include ChatGPT, NovelAI, Jasper AI, Rytr AI, DALL-E, etc.
The manuscripts will be treated as confidential documents in the Revista de Arquitectura. The editorial team will not upload a manuscript or any part of it to a generative artificial intelligence tool, as this may violate the confidentiality and property rights of the authors, and when the article contains personally identifiable information, it may violate data privacy rights.
Peer review is the heart of the scientific ecosystem, and Revista de Arquitecura is committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity in this process. Thus, it is acknowledged that managing the editorial evaluation of a scientific manuscript involves responsibilities that can only be attributed to human beings. The Editorial Team will not use generative AI or AI-assisted technologies to aid in the evaluation or decision-making process of a manuscript, as critical thinking and original evaluation are necessary for this work and are beyond the scope of this technology. There is a risk that the technology will generate incorrect, incomplete, or biased conclusions about the manuscript.
Authors may use generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process before submission, but only to improve the language and readability of their article and with proper disclosure, located at the end of the article in a separate section before the reference list. If there is suspicion that an author or reviewer has violated AI policies, it should be reported to the editor.